OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assitant and Content Creator as SaaS Documentation

Thank you for purchasing OpenAI Davinci - Ultimate AI Writing Assitant and Content Creator as SaaS Laravel Script. We covered almost everything in this document that how easily you can setup this script. We really do appreciate every sale. If you like our work please do not forget to rate it. It helps us in developing new and better cloud solutions.
Author: Berkine
Demo: OpenAI Davinci - Ultimate AI Writing Assitant and Content Creator as SaaS Demo
Before installation, your server must have following requirements to run the script properly
PHP v8.1
PHP Mbstring Extension
PHP PDO Extension
PHP FileInfo Extension
PHP JSON Extension
PHP CURL Extension
PHP ZipArchive Extension
PHP symlink() function
PHP shell_exec() function
PHP file_get_contents() function
Support for MySQL v5.7
Apache Server Recommended (nginx configuration and installation up to you, we don't provide support on that)
Text Streaming Setup
After installation, if you don't see text streaming, configure following:
- 1 - In the php.ini file of your hosting provider, set:
- 2 -
output_buffering = On
- 3 - or set it as:
- 4 -
output_buffering = 4096
- 5 - Check both options, whichever works for your hosting, it is the only requirement for text streaming.
Installation Instructions
This is a general installation overview of the script, there is a deep dive section provided for each part in the left menu bar.
Follow the steps as explained, and you should be all set. If you face any challenges with installtion steps, reach out to us for a support.
Setup overview:
- Step 1: Unzip and upload only the contents of to the root directory of your hosting server. Ex: /var/www/html/ or /home/username/public_html or whatever is the root folder of your domain/subdomain. Which will make it reachable as follows: http://yourwebsitename/
- Step 2a: Warning! Some hosting platform hide files starting with '.' (hidden files), so make sure that in your settings of your cPanel you enable this option.
- Step 2b: Warning! If your local Windows/Linux/MaxOS environment does not show hidden files, and you are planning to upload the script via FTP, make sure you enable viewing hidden files locally first even before unzipping, otherwise you will not upload all hidden files such as .env/.htaccess to your FTS server simply because your local environment will not see them.
- Step 3: Everything inside of the public folder is accessible by anyone, so make sure you don't put anything sensitive there.
- Step 4: After uploading all files and making sure that domain name has proper path set, create Mysql database and proper user in case if you don't already have one, to access this database. You can either create manually via your phpMyAdmin panel or use phpMyAdmin Wizard in your cPanel to create one.
- Step 5: Now you are ready to run the install script. Type in your browser https://yourwebsitename/install and press Enter.
- Step 6: This will start the installation process, click Start Intallation button.
- Step 7: Make sure required php packages are installed and enabled on your server. Click Next to continue.
- Step 8: Make sure listed folder are publicly accessbile. Click Next to continue.
- Step 9: For database configuration, enter your newly created database credentials. Server address: localhost and Port: 3306
- Step 10: On the final step enter your Envato License key for this product and also your Envato Username. In case if you don't know where to get your license, you can check this article.
- Step 11: If all required php libraries are turned on in your hosting, installation will finish quickly and you are now fully ready to start. The default login name is: and default password is: admin12345. You can change it after loggin in in your profile settings.
- Step 12: Next step is to include your OpenAI API key in AI Configuration page under Admin Panel.
- Step 13: Next, go to vendor/ffmpeg folder in the root directory of the script.
- Step 14: Change file permission of ffmpeg to be executable by anyone.
- Step 15: Important! Make sure that your hosting allows you to run shell_exec() command, it is required to generate multi voice synthesize tasks and for Ai Voiceover feature.
- Step 16: Make sure to follow the Text Streaming instructions in the section above as some hostings have output_buffering feature turned off in their hosting settings.
- Step 17: Final step is to configure CRON job correctly, refer to CRON tab on the left side menu of this documentation to find step by step guide on configuring CRON job.
Database Setup in phpMyAdmin
To run admin panel properly and fetch the application useage data and to set the settings you will need to setup MySQL database 5.7.
How to create new Database in phpMyAdmin:
- Step 1: Login into phpMyAdmin.
- Step 2: Click on New button to create a new database.
- Step 3: Provide database name and select utf8_general_ci as collation and click create button.
- Step 4: Make sure you have database user who can access this newly created database, if not you will need create one with all permissions and set a password
- Step 5: Also, to avoid any issues with database setup, make sure your newly created database has InnoDB set as storage type
- Step 6: Return to the Install process and enter your newly created database credentials. If using local server, you can set database host to localhost, and for mysql port use 3306
Upgrade to v6.9.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.9.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Done.
Upgrade to v6.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.8 - update process:
ATTENTION!Envato team required us to be compliant with their license policy, and we will comply with that. Starting from this v6.8 update, there will be NO MORE SAAS features access for Regular License users. We always emphasized that we didn't block SaaS access at the beginning only for testing purposes, after 67 update releases the testing is now over and going forward SaaS features are only accessible for Extended License users to be fully compliant with Envato License policy. We will not touch old versions, so update at your own discretion or upgrade your license to be fully compliant with Envato License policy, all future versions will not have any SaaS features for Regular License users as well. There will be no exceptions made. Consider yourself being warned before starting the update process.
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: ONLY FOR EXTENDED LICENSE users. Go to Admin Panel - Marketplace, and click install on SaaS Business extension, it is only available for Extended License users. Note that your previous subscription/prepaid plans and any other transaction info remain intact.
- Step 4: ONLY FOR EXTENDED LICENSE users. After you have installed the SaaS Business extension, go to Admin panel - AI Settings page - Extensions tab, and turn on the SaaS feature there and click save. Rest is automatic.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v6.7 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.6 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.4 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. Update package is 90MB in size, depending on your internet bandwith it might take some time, DO NOT refresh your browser during update installation.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.3 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT! Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT! Always test on your dev&test environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/app/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v6.1 - update process:
WARNING!This update contians required manual steps to replace entire /resources folder of the script. It will delete your current frontend file(s) which might be customized and will reset your frontend to our default theme, due to new folder structure of the themes feature that is the only way and will remain like that going forward, refer to Frontend tab to learn more about the new layouts of the files and folders for frontend customization. Update at your own discretion, we are not responsible for any loss in your custom frontend files. Consider yourself being warned before starting the update process.
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: (Manual step 1) Now go to this DOWNLOAD URL and get the update package using your Envato activation code for this script.
- Step 4: (Manual step 2) Upload it to the root directory of your domain where you installed the script initially, DO NOT unzip yet.
- Step 5: (Manual step 3) Delete following 2 folders and listed file in the root directory of your domain entirely, Note that during this process, your domain will not be available during this time.
/resources - delete entire folder /vendor - delete entire folder webpack.mix.js - delete this file
- Step 6: (Manual step 4) Now unzip the file that you uploaded in the root directory of your domain, (extract at the same place where you upload it initially).
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v5.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now - it will install all necessary DB tables and changes.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: In order to keep most of our customers customizations that they have already done, we never ship main app.css file in auto update package. In v5.9 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the original codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v5.8.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Done.
Upgrade to v5.8 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 0: IMPORTANT: Make sure that all steps for previous update version is completed before proceeding with this one in case if you didn't do a fresh install of the previous version.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: After installation of update package is done, type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v5.7 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
WARNING! This update contains major change on the structure of Language features, please pay careful attention the instructions below and follow in strict order.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 75MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: FOR USERS USING ORIGINAL LANDING PAGE: Download the main zip file from codecanyon, and replace resources/views/home.blade.php file with the one in your hosting at the same path.
- Step 3: FOR USERS USING THEIR OWN CUSTOM LANDING PAGE: If you didn't take the language changing button from the original landing page, then you don't need to do anything. If are using our previous language changing button, then make sure to delete that chunk of code from your custom landing page and reinclude it from the new main zip folder from codecanyon. File that you will be needing to look at for that new button structure is the same: resources/views/home.blade.php file.
- Step 4: Now type in your browser: YOURDOMAINNAME/admin/update/now command
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css In v5.7 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 6: To set your language via new Language Manager feature, follow the Translate tab in this documentation.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v5.6 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, if that is the case then make sure to go to AI Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v5.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css In v5.5 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v5.4.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: WARNING: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v5.4 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 70MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css In v5.4 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: For setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for Admin Panel, follow the instructions on GA4 Setup tab in the docs.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v5.3.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v5.3 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. File size is around 70MB, so it might take some time to download depending on your internet bandwidth.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css and frontend related files with the auto updates. In v5.3 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: (Optional) There were some minor translation fix in the main frontend file, since we never include frontend files into auto update package, you can manually replace these files if you are still using original landing page of the script. It is localted under resources/views/home.blade.php, simply get them from the main zip file and replace it in your hosting.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v5.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css and frontend related files with the auto updates. In v5.2 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Wordpress Integration which is available for Extended License, requires separate configruation from your side. Refer to the Integration tab in the sidemenu panel of the docs for instructions.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v5.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 70MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings in case if they got reset. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v5.0 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 70MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update might clear your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v4.9.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v4.9.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Done.
Upgrade to v4.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
WARNING!Starting from v4.9 update, the old generic credit system is not valid anymore. Update at your own discretion. Read the steps below to properly update in case if you decide to update.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. Package is around 60MB, so might take time to download based on your internet bandwidth.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css and frontend related files with the auto updates. In v4.9 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: (Optional) There were some minor translation fix in the main frontend file, since we never include frontend files into auto update package, you can manually replace these files if you are still using original landing page of the script. It is localted under resources/views/home.blade.php and app/http/controller/homecontroller.php, simply get them from the main zip file and replace it in your hosting.
- Step 6: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 7: IMPORTANT As stated above this update complete changes word credits that you were using before, they are not generic anymore for all model types. Going forward you have full control per each current and future AI models, thus you have full control of your cost in your subscription and prepaid plans where you can set each one separately. Check our live demo.
- Step 8: IMPORTANT To mass assign word credits based on models your current subscribers, we integerated a new tool for that, go to Admin Panel - Finance Management - Subscription Plans - Renew Credit button for each subscription plans allows you to renew credits for each subscriber of that plan.
- Step 9: Done.
Upgrade to v4.8 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css and frontend related files with the auto updates. In v4.8 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: (Optional) There were some minor translation fix in the main frontend file, since we never include frontend files into auto update package, you can manually replace these files if you are still using original landing page of the script. It is localted under resources/views/home.blade.php and app/http/controller/homecontroller.php, simply get them from the main zip file and replace it in your hosting.
- Step 6: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v4.7 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.7 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v4.6 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 70MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: your-domain-name/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.6 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Under Davinci Settings - General AI Settings - Free Trial Section, you have a new feature called: AI Voiceover Vendors Access, this will allow you to set individual access to TTS vendors, make sure to list them as needed and make sure that enabled TTS vendors in that list are first of enabled in the Davinci Settings with a proper API keys.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v4.5.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Done.
Upgrade to v4.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 65MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.5 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v4.4 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.4 update we have some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v4.3 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v4.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.2 update we have important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v4.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.1 update we have important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v4.0 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v4.0 update we have important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Clear your browser cache or hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v3.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 65MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v3.8 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. WARNING: update package is 65MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download, so don't refresh your screen while update is being downloaded.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v3.8 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v3.7 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v3.7 update we have some important css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: The new Real-Time Internet access requires Serper API key, follow the document on Serper API to get your API key and include it in the Davinci Settings Page - Chat Settings - Serper API field and click Save.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v3.6 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v3.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v3.5 update we have important css styling changes for AI Article Wizard, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v3.4.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v3.4 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain where you installed the script and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v3.4 update we have important css styling changes for AI Article Wizard, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v3.3 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v3.3 update we have important css styling changes for AI Image, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v3.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now. Warning: update package is 65MB in size, depending on your internet speed it might take some time to download.
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: In your existing subscription plans, edit them to set AI Image engines as needed, you can now set individual engines for both OpenAI and Stable Diffusion there, otherwise you will not see Image Resolutions at AI Image page.
- Step 5: Update contains new voices, due to its size, new voice samples are not included in the auto update package. Download from here and extract it in the /public/voices/ folder of your root directory of your domain.
- Step 6: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 7: Done.
Upgrade to v3.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&test.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this line at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v3.0 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: youdomainname/admin/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v2.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/admin/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.9 update we have important styling changes for AI Chat, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v2.8 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a development environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. It is around 67MB, depending on your internet connection, might take a bit more time than in previous versions to download and process the package.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: Afterwards type in your browser: Yourdomainname/admin/update/now it will migrate new DB tables and seeders
- Step 4: For Frontend - there were some changes to the frontend, if you want to update the frontend as well download the latest version from here and simply extract it in the root directory of your domain and afterwards clear your browser cache and application cache.
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 6: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. If you haven't updated the frontend files (which already contains compiled css file), then in v2.8 update we had some css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 7: For Stripe: for those who are using stripe payment gateway, go to resources/views/components and simply delete stripe-collapse.blade.php file.
- Step 8: Done.
Upgrade to v2.7 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/admin/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship main app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.7 update we have some styling changes for AI Image, either recompile all sass files or download the public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder of your domain. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v2.6 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a development environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: Yourdomainname/admin/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship frontend files and css files as many people have customized frontend as they need. If you want to apply new frontend that comes with v2.6, follow steps 4 and 5
- Step 4: Download the main zip file from codecanyon
- Step 5: Extract file at the root directory of your domain/subdomain.
- Step 6: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 7: Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 8: Done.
Upgrade to v2.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a development environment first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost/subdomain for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. It is around 60MB, depending on your internet connection, might take a bit more time than in previous versions to download and process the package.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: Afterwards type in your browser: Yourdomainname/admin/update/now
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.5 update we had some minor css styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v2.4 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. It is around 60MB, depending on your internet connection, might take a bit more time than in previous versions to download and process the package.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings. Make sure you turn on again your payment gateways that you were using before saving.
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v2.3 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!Always test on a localhost installation first before deploying to the production. Your license does allow you to install on a locahost for dev&text.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel. It is around 60MB, depending on your internet connection, might take a bit more time than in previous versions to download and process the package.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.3 update we have some styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v2.2 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.2 update we have some minor styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v2.1 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.1 update we have some major styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v2.0 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings just in case to avoid any issues
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v2.0 update we have important styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file (make sure to redownload the latest version), and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v1.9 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings just in case to avoid any issues
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.9 update we have important styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the public/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file (make sure to redownload the latest version), and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade to v1.8 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 3: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.8 update we have some minor styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v1.7 - update process:
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Afterwards type in your browser: domainname/update/now
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: Update clears your cache, make sure to go to Davinci Settings and Finance settings pages and click Save button to cache your settings
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.7 update we have some minor styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 5: Done.
Upgrade to v1.6 - update process:
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.6 update we have some minor styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 3: Done.
Upgrade to v1.5 - update process:
IMPORTANT!Always backup all your files AND your database before any updates.
IMPORTANT!This update has manual tasks to follow, make sure you don't skip any of steps listed below.
- Step 1: Click on the Update Button in the Admin Panel it will download updated and new controller files, views and database updates related to v1.5 update.
- Step 2: In your browser type: YOUDOMAINNAME/update/now - it will add new migrations and seeders
- Step 3: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory of your domain and enter this lines at the bottom of the list and click save.
- Step 4: Download this zip DOWNLOAD LINK - and unzip it in the root directory of your domain. It will replace your vendor folder and some other files relevant for the update.
- Step 5: After unzip is completed, go to vendor/ffmpeg folder in the root directory of the script.
- Step 6: Change file permission of ffmpeg to be executable by anyone.
- Step 7: Important! Make sure that your hosting allows you to run shell_exec() command, it is required to generate multi voice synthesize tasks and for sound studio.
- Step 8: Afterwards, go to Admin Panel - General Settings - Clear Cache - and clear your cache there. Also hard refresh your browser by preassing CTRL + F5 to make sure new JS files take effect and get cached in your browser.
- Step 9: IMPORTANT: As all caches will be cleared, go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and click save just in case, this will make sure that your setings are cached again in your hosting
- Step 10: IMPORTANT: We never ship the main - app.css file with the auto updates as it might overwrite your styling changes. In v1.5 update we have some new styling changes, either recompile all sass files again or download the new public/css/app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder in your hosting. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 11: Done.
Upgrade to v1.4 - update process:
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel it will download the main files and database updates.
- Step 2: Add new keys manually to the .env, go to the .env file in the root directory and enter this lines at the bottom of the list.
- Step 3: Afterwards, go to Admin Panel - General Settings - Clear Cache - and clear your cache there.
- Step 4: IMPORTANT: As all caches will be cleared, it does make sense to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and just click save, to make sure your setings are cached in your hosting
- Step 5: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.4 update we have some new styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 6: Done.
Upgrade to v1.3 - update process:
- Step 1: Click on the update button in the Admin Panel.
- Step 2: Type: domainname/update/now
- Step 2: IMPORTANT: As all caches will be cleared, it might make sense to go to Davinci Settings and Finance Settings pages and just click save, to make sure your setings are cached in your hosting
- Step 3: IMPORTANT: We never ship app.css file with the auto updates. In v1.3 update we have some new styling changes, either recompile all sass files or download the app.css from the new codecanyon main zip file, and replace it with the one at public/css/ folder. Hard refresh your browser afterwards by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Step 4: Done.
Upgrade from v1.1 to 1.2 - If you are already running v1.1 version and face issues after upgrading do following:
1 - Login as admin
2 - Go to Admin - General Settings - Upgrade and click Upgrade button
******3 - Only for the ones who updated before 12pm GTM time:
******3.1 - Download this routes-v7.php file from: Download File
******3.2 - Replace the one at boostrap cache directory
4 - Type: domainname/admin/clear - does not return anything (whitescreen), but clears your cache behind the scense
5 - Go to Davinci Settings and click Save button (to cache your settings in the script)
6 - Go to Finance Settings and click Save button (to cache your settings in the script)
7 - Hard refresh your browser by pressing CTRL + F5
Stable Diffusion Account Creation
How to Get Stable Diffusion API Key:
- Step 1: Follow these instructions from's official documentation Create Stable Diffusion API Key
- Step 2: Copy your newly created DreamStudio API key.
- Step 3: Go to Admin Panel, AI Management -> AI Settings, and enter your Stable Diffusion API Key and click save.
Openai Account Creation
How to Create OpenAI Account:
- Step 1: Go to the OpenAI home page
- Step 2: Create new account and afterwards sigin into your OpenAI account
- Step 3: After you are logged in, at top right corner click on Personal tab and there select View API Keys.
- Step 4: And in the API page, click on Create new secret key botton.
- Step 5: Copy your newly created openai API key.
- Step 6: Go to Admin Panel, AI Management -> AI Settings, and enter your OpenAI API Key and click save.
Google Gemini Account Creation
WARNING: Google Gemini is not available in every country yet, especially in Europe, none of the EU countries are supported for now. Use VPN or alternate ways. You can check the support countries here
How to get Gemini API Key:
- Step 1: Go to the Google AI Studio page and register
- Step 2: After you are logged in, on the left menu panel click on Get API key and click on Create API Key button.
- Step 3: Copy your newly created Gemini API key.
- Step 4: Go to Admin Panel, AI Management -> AI Vendor API Keys tab, and enter your Gemini API Key and click save button.
- Step 5: Done.
Serper Account Creation for Internet Real Time data access
How to Get Serper API Key:
- Step 1: Register at Serper Website
- Step 2: After registration go to API Key page on the side menu panel
- Step 3: Copy your Serper API key and go to Admin Panel -> AI Management -> AI Settings, and enter your Serper API Key in the Serper API Key field in the Chat Settings panel and click save.
Plagiarism Check API creation for AI Plagiarm Check and AI Detector features (Both are Extension features)
How to Get Plagiarismcheck API Key:
- Step 1: Register at
- Step 2: After registration at the home page scroll to the footer and click on API Documentation link
- Step 3: Afterwards select Single User mode
- Step 4: Click on the Get API Token button, it will show a small popup panel with your API key, copy it
- Step 5: Go to admin panel - AI settings - AI Vendor API Keys tab and enter your Plagiarism API key and click save
Azure Account Creation
Getting started with Microsoft Azure.
How to Create Microsoft Azure Account:
- Step 1: Go to the Azure home page.
- Step 2: Create new account and afterwards sigin into your Azure Portal under your Profile on the top right corner.
- Step 3: Click on Create a resource.
- Step 4: Search for keyword: speech and select the first Speech service from Azure.
- Step 5: Afterwards, click Create button.
- Step 6: Fill in the required information.
- Name: Any string to identify this resource
- Subscription: Free Trial (default)
- Location: select Azure region as you prefer. Warning! Not every language/voice is available in all Azure regions, we strongly recommend to consider either US East or West Europe regions.
- Pricing Tier: Free F0 is good for starting only, it has limitation in concurrency, refer to Azure Documentations to get exact numbers. Standard S0 will start billing.
- Resrouce Group: Any string to group your resources.
- Step 7: Almost there, on this the next page click on Click here to manage keys.
- Step 8: Copy one of the keys.
- Step 9: These keys are used to access your Azure TTS Service API. Do not share your keys. Store them securely– for example, using Azure Key Vault. We also recommend regenerating these keys regularly. Only one key is necessary to make an API call. When regenerating the first key, you can use the second key for continued access to the service.
- Step 10: Go to Admin Panel, AI Management -> AI Settings, and enter API Key for Azure, make sure you select proper Azure Region as shown in the previous step with your key.
GCP Account Creation
Getting started with Google Cloud.
Note: When you open a Google Cloud account, they provide you 300$ of credit that is valid for 2 months.
How to Configure GCP for Text to Speech:
- Step 1: Go to the Google Cloud home page.
- Step 2: Click on the New Project button on the top left corner, and provide project name.
- Step 3: Afterwards search for Text to Speech keyword, and select Cloud Text to Speech API from the list.
- Step 4: Enable Cloud Text to Speech API.
- Step 5: Go to API & Services -> Credentials.
- Step 6: Click on + Create Credentials and select Service account from the list.
- Step 7: Provide Service account name and Service account description.
- Step 8: Click on your newly created Service account name.
- Step 9: Under Keys tab, select Add Key -> Create new key.
- Step 10: Select JSON as key type. Click Create, it will store in on your desktop.
- Step 11: Warning! Make sure you store this json file outside of your public folder, it must be stored in a secure place accessible only to you on your hosting server.
- Step 12: Include the path for the json in Admin Panel, under AI Settings. JSON file must be stored outside of your Public folder. Show full path for the JSON file including JSON filename. Here is an example for cPanel:
Elevenlabs Account Creation
Getting started with ElevenLabs account.
Note: When you open a Elevenlabs account, they provide you 10,000 characters per month for free.
How to Configure GCP for Text to Speech:
- Step 1: Go to the Elevenlabs home page.
- Step 2: Register yourself via email or via your social media account.
- Step 3: Go to your Profile at the top right corner.
- Step 4: Copy your API key.
- Step 6: Include your API key at ElevenLabs API field in the Admin Panel, under AI Settings and enable it, afterwards click save.
AWS Account Creation
Getting started with AWS. If you already have AWS Account, skip to next section.
How to Create AWS Account:
- Step 1: Open the Amazon Web Services home page.
- Step 2: Choose Create an AWS Account.
Note: If you signed in to AWS recently, choose Sign in to the Console. If Create a new AWS account isn't visible, first choose Sign in to a different account, and then choose Create a new AWS account. - Step 3: Enter your account information, and then choose Continue. Be sure that you enter your account information correctly, especially your email address. If you enter your email address incorrectly, you can't access your account.
- Step 4: Choose Personal or Professional.
Note: Personal accounts and professional accounts have the same features and functions. - Step 5: Enter your company or personal information.
Important: For professional AWS accounts, it's a best practice to enter the company phone number rather than a personal cell phone. Configuring a root account with an individual email address or a personal phone number can make your account insecure. - Step 6: Read and accept the AWS Customer Agreement.
Note: Be sure that you read and understand the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement. - Step 7: Choose Create Account and Continue.
- Step 8: On the Payment Information page, enter the information about your payment method, and then choose Verify and Add.
Note: If you want to use a different billing address for your AWS billing information, choose Use a new address before you choose Verify and Add
Important: You can't proceed with the sign-up process until you add a valid payment method. - Step 9: Verify your phone number. Enter a phone number where you can be reached in the next few minutes.
- Step 10: In a few moments, an automated system contacts you.
- Step 11: Enter the PIN you receive, and then choose Continue.
- Step 12: On the Select a Support Plan page, choose one of the available Support plans. For a description of the available Support plans and their benefits, see Compare AWS Support plans.
- Step 13: After you choose a Support plan, a confirmation page indicates that your account is being activated. Accounts are usually activated within a few minutes, but the process might take up to 24 hours.
- Step 14: You can sign in to your AWS account during this time. The AWS home page might display a Complete Sign Up button during this time, even if you've completed all the steps in the sign-up process.
- Step 14: When your account is fully activated, you receive a confirmation email. Check your email and spam folder for the confirmation email. After you receive this email, you have full access to all AWS services.
AWS IAM User Creation
You will need IAM user with programmatic access and with S3 Read & Write Policies attached.
Creating AWS IAM Users (via AWS Console):
- Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
- Step 2: In the navigation pane, choose Users and then choose Add user.
- Step 3: Type the user name for the new user. This is the sign-in name for AWS.
Note: User names can be a combination of up to 64 letters, digits, and these characters: plus (+), equal (=), comma (,), period (.), at sign (@), and hyphen (-). Names must be unique within an account. - Step 4: Select the type of access this set of users will have. Select programmatic access.
- Step 5: Choose Next: Permissions.
- Step 6: On the Set permissions page, specify how you want to assign permissions to this set of new users. Choose Attach existing policies to user directly
- Step 7: Seach for AmazonS3FullAccess, choose it and afterwards select click Next: Review
Note: If you are familar with IAM Policies, you can create custom policy that will match your needs and security requirements. - Step 8: To view the users' access keys (access key IDs and secret access keys), choose
Show next to each password and access key that you want to see. To
save the access keys, choose Download .csv and then save the file to
a safe location.
Important: This is your only opportunity to view or download the secret access keys, and you must provide this information to your users before they can use the AWS API. Save the user's new access key ID and secret access key in a safe and secure place. You will not have access to the secret keys again after this step. - Step 9: Include your Access Key and Secret Access Key to the AWS Credentials Settings tab in the admin panel as shown below.
Under Admin -> Studio Management -> Voiceover Studio Settings and Transcribe Studio Settings (in case if you are using Speech to Text feature of AWS) -> AWS, include your Access and Secret Access Keys:

Amazon S3 Bucket Creation
You will need an S3 Bucket with public read & write access in the region that you prefer.
A bucket is owned by the AWS account that created it. By default, you can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts. If you need additional buckets, you can increase your account bucket limit to a maximum of 1,000 buckets by submitting a service limit increase. For information about how to increase your bucket limit, see AWS Service Limits
Create an S3 bucket:
- Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
- Step 2: Choose Create bucket.
- Step 3: Enter Bucket Name and Select AWS Region where you would like to store your files and click Next. Note: Bucket name must be unique at a global level.
- Step 4: In the Set Permissions step, you need to turn off all 4 options if you want to make your S3 bucket completely public.
- Step 5: Review rest of the settings, or you can leave them as they are and click Create Bucket.
- Step 6: Include your Bucket Name and Select your AWS Region in the AWS Credentials Settings tab in the admin panel as shown below.
Under Admin -> Studio Management -> Voiceover Studio Settings and Transcribe Studio Settings (in case if you are using Speech to Text feature of AWS) -> AWS, include your S3 Bucket Name and select your AWS Region where bucket is hosted:

Amazon S3 Bucket Configuration
After successfully creating a bucket, add these addtional features for your S3 bucket.
Check these 4 steps:
- Step 1: Make sure your Permissions -> Block Public Access looks at least like this and has all 4 options turned off.
- Step 2: Add CORS settings as shown below in the Permissions -> Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) Configuration section and click Save.
Copy paste these CORS settings to your bucket:
[ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "POST", "PUT", "GET", "HEAD", "DELETE" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [ "ETag" ], "MaxAgeSeconds": 30000 } ]
- Step 3: Go to your newly created S3 Bucket click on Permissions -> Object Ownership and click Edit.
- Step 4: Select ACLs enabled and Object writer and click Save Changes.
Configure Wasabi Storage
Getting started with Wasabi Storage.
Apart from Local Server Storage, and Amazon S3 bucket, you can also use Wasabi Storage as your default storage for results.
How to Configure Wasabi Storage:
- Step 1: Login to your Wasabi Account, select Buckets under Data Access menu panel and click Create Bukcet
. - Step 2: Prorive a unique Bucket Name and select your Region and click Create Bucket. Make a note of both them, you will be including them into the script at the last step.
- Step 3: After the bucket is created, select your bucket from the list and under Actions tab, click on Settings.
- Step 4: In the Settings page, make sure you Enable Public Access for this bucket.
- Step 5: Now when you are done creating and configuring your Wasabi Bucket, you will need to create Access Keys to be able to use your Wasabi Account.
- Step 6: Go to Access Keys under Data Access menu panel and click on Create New Access Key.
- Step 7: Click Create button and download or copy your keys immediate as you get to see your Secret Access key only once.
- Step 6: Enter your Wasabi Access Keys, Wasabi Bucket and Wasabi Bucket Region in the Admin Panel of the script.
Configure CloudFlare R2 Storage
Getting started with CloudFlare R2 Storage.
Apart from Local Server Storage, you can also use CloudFlare R2 cloud storage as your default storage for AI Images, AI Voiceover and AI Speech to Text results.
How to Configure CloudFlare R2 Storage:
- Step 1: Register and Login to your CloudFlare Account
- Step 2: Select CloudFlare R2 from the side menu and click Create Bucket button.
. - Step 3: Specify bucket name as needed and click Create Bucket.
- Step 4: After your bucket is created, click on the Manage R2 API Tonek link.
- Step 5: It will redirect you to your API Tokens page and click on Create API Token button.
- Step 6: Provide Token name as needed, in Permission section select Object Read & Write and specify if you want this token to be valid of a specific bucket or all your buckets afterwards click on Create API Token button.
- Step 7: In the next page copy your Access Keys ID, Secret Access Key and your Endpoint URL and click finish button.
- Step 8: You will also need to get your Public URL, select your bucket and click on Settings tab
- Step 9: You have 2 options to get your public url, choose either one that you prefer Custom Domain (Requires further configuration, fully up to you to configure) or Public Bucket URL (You need to set Allow Access and simply copy it),
- Step 10: Final step: Go to your AI Settings - Vendor API page and include your CloudFlare R2 Access Key, Secret Access Key, Endpoint URL and Bucket name, Public URL and click save.
- Step 11: Done.
Configure Wordpress Integration
Getting started with Wordpress Integration.
How to Configure Wordpress:
- Step 0: As Wordpress integration is a user based feature, share these instructions with them:
- Step 1: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard using your credentials.
- Step 2: Disable 2FA in case if you have turned it on in your settigs.
- Step 3: Go to Settings - Permalinks page and select postname.
- Step 4: Go to Plugins - Add New Plugin and install WordPress REST API Authentication, make sure that after installation it is activated.
- Step 5: Once the installation is complete click on miniOrange API Authentication and click on JWT Authentication as shown in the image.
- Step 6: Click on Next button as shown in the image.
- Step 7: Click on Finish button as shown in the image.
- Step 8: In the Davinci Settings - Extended Features tab make sure that Integration feature is turned on.
- Step 9: After it is turned on, it will appear in the side menu so that each user can configure their wordpress, click on Wordpress.
- Step 10: Enter your Domain name, Username and Passowrd, and don't forget to Activate the feature and click on Save botton.
- Step 11: Go to your saved documents and you will see a Publish button, click on it and you are ready to post directly on your Wordpress account.
- Step 12: Done.
Paypal Setup
For accepting payments both for Monthly Subscriptions and for Prepaid options you can use Paypal.
You will need to include your stripe credentials under Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Paypal. Include all your Paypal Credentials, and don't forget to active the Paypal checkbox(es):
- PayPal Client ID
- PayPal Client Secret
- Domain Name for Paypal Webhook URI
- Paypal Webhook ID
Include required data and click Save button:

How to get Paypal Client ID and Paypal Client Secret:
- Login into your dashboard at
- On the left menu bar, select Dashboard -> My Apps & Credentials -> Create New App
- Provide desired app name and click create
- Paypal will provide you Client ID and Client Secret for your newly created app as shown in the demo image below, in your script store them under Management -> Payment Settings -> Paypal Client ID and Client Secret fields.
Create Paypal Webhook with select events:
- On the same page as expained above, under Dashboard -> My Apps & Credentials, select your newly created app, and scroll to the bottom of the page and you reach "Sandbox Webhooks", click "Add Webhook"
- Include your domain name followed by /webhooks/paypal
- Ex:
- Important! Make sure you have the same path included for Paypal Webhook URI under Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Paypal
- Select following webhook events for subscriptions and click save:
- Save the Webhook ID under Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Paypal -> Paypal Webhook ID
Stripe Setup
For accepting payments both for Monthly Subscriptions and for Prepaid options you can also use Stripe.
You will need to include your stripe credentials under Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Stripe. Include all your Stripe Credentials, and don't forget to active the Stripe checkbox(es):
- Stripe Key
- Stripe Secret Key
- Domain Name for Stripe Webhook URI
- Stripe Webhook Secret
Include required data and click Save button:

How to get Stripe API Key and Stripe Secret Key:
- Login into your dashboard at
- On the left menu bar, select Developers -> API Keys -> You will see your Publishable Key (API Key) and Secret Key
- Copy and paste them under Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Stripe
Create Stripe Webhook with select events:
- Login into your dashboard at
- On the left menu bar, select Developers -> Webhooks -> Add Endpoint
- Create a Webhook in your Stripe Developer Account
- Include your domain name followed by /webhooks/stripe
- Ex:
- And add following two events:
- invoice.payment_failed
- customer.subscription.deleted
- invoice.paid
- After your webhook is created, copy Webhook URL and Webhook Secret to Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Stripe to the respective fields.
Yookassa Setup
For accepting payments both for Monthly Subscriptions and for Prepaid options you can also use Yookassa payment gateway.
You will need to include your Yookassa credentials under Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Yookassa. Include all your Yookassa Credentials, and don't forget to active the Yookassa checkbox(es):
How to get Yookassa keys:
- Login into your dashboard at
- As shown in the image below get your Shop ID and Secret Key
- To include your HTTP URI follow the exact formatting as shown in the image below and enable all notifications, make sure to change YOURDOMIANNAME with your actual domain name where the script is installed and click save.
- https://YOURDOMAINNAME/webhooks/yookassa
- Include all this information to Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Yookassa section.
Razorpay Setup
For accepting payments both for Monthly Subscriptions and for Prepaid options you can also use Razorpay payment gateway.
You will need to include your Razorpay credentials under Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Razorpay. Include all your Razorpay Credentials, and don't forget to active the Razorpay checkbox(es):
How to get Razorpay webhook:
- Login into your Razorpay account
- Get your API keys under Account&Settings -> API Keys
- For setting up your webhook click Account&Settings -> webhooks
- Afterwards click on Add New Webhook button as shown in the image below.
- Include your webhooks url, it must be in the folling format: https://YOURDOMAINNAME/webhooks/razorpay change YOURDOMAINNAME with your actual domain.
- Create a Webhook secret key, you will be needed in for the Payment Settings page of the script
- Include the 2 subscription events as shown in the image below and click on Create Webhook button
- Include all this information to Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Razorpay section.
Paddle Setup
PADDLE CLASSIC account is required. After August 8th 2023, Paddle Introduced Paddle Billing accounts, which have completely different APIs and payment processing mechanism. If you have opened a Paddle account after that date then you have opened Paddle Billing account which is set as default for new paddle accounts. If you want to use paddle, make sure to reach out to Paddle Support Team and request your account to be converted to Paddle Classic account first.
We currently do not support Paddle Billing accounts due total differences between APIs in both account types. We are not sure why Paddle did not make backwards compatible their new APIs with the previous ones.
For accepting payments both for Monthly Subscriptions and for Prepaid options you can also use Paddle payment gateway.
You will need to include your Paddle credentials under Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Paddle. Include all your Paddle Credentials, and don't forget to active the Paddle checkbox(es):
How to get Paddle APIs, Webhooks and Plan ID:
- Login into your Paddle developer account
- Get your Vendor ID and Auth Code under Developer Tools -> Authentication
- For setting up your webhook and events click Developer Tools -> Events
- Include your webhooks url, it must be in the folling format: https://YOURDOMAINNAME/webhooks/paddle change YOURDOMAINNAME with your actual domain.
- Select highlighted webhooks events as shown in the image below and click save.
- Include Vendor ID and Auth Code information to Admin -> Finance Management -> Payment Settings -> Paddle section.
- For subscription plans, you will need a Paddle Plan ID, to create one for you plan go to Catalog -> Subscription plans and click on New Plan
- Fill all the required information as need and click create
- The created Plan ID is the one that you need to include it in the Subscription Plan creation page for the Paddle Plan ID field. Every plan will have unique plan ids, so you need to create one per each plan.
Subscription Plans Creating
You can create as many subscription plans as you want, both for Monthly and Yearly subscription plans.
All subscription plans must have respective payment gateway plan ids, and these plan ids can be generated only via your payment gateway's account interface. If you need help with any of the payment gateways, refer to the tutorial videos that we created for you.
How to create Subscription Plan:
- Step 1: Go to your Paypal/Stripe/Razorpay/Paystack accounts and Create New Subscriptions/Plans.
- Step 1a: Creating Paypal Plan IDs:
- Step 1b: Creating Stripe Product IDs:
- Step 1c: Creating Paystack Plan Codes:
- Step 1d: Creating Razorpay Plan IDs:
- Step 2: Copy those Subscription/Plan IDs.
- Step 3: Go to "Admin Panel" -> "Finance Management" -> "Subscription Plans" -> click on "Create New Subscription" button.
- Step 4: Fill up the all required fields and inlcude Paypal/Stripe/Paystack/Razorpay - Subscription/Plan IDs.
- Step 5: Note: Plan Name must be a unique string value
- Step 6: Plan descriptions must be a comma separated string values
- Step 7: After filling up the fields, click "Create" button. Example: your newly created subscription will looks like this:
SMTP Configuration
For sending all emails, such as email verification, support ticket creation etc, SMTP needs to be configured.
All the SMTP settings can be configured and set in Admin Panel under General Settings -> SMTP Settings.
Required SMTP Settings:
- SMTP Host
- SMTP Port
- SMTP Encryption
- SMTP EMail Login (Username)
- SMTP EMail Password
- SMTP Sender Email Address
- SMTP Sender Name
Include Required SMTP Settings and click Save Changes button:

You can also test your SMTP Settings immediately via Test button:

If you are planning to use Gmail for sending emails:
In your Gmail Account settings, under Security tab, make sure your Less secure app access feature is turned on. Assistant Configuration
Support your users with chat feature. Setup Instructions:
- Step 1: Login into you account.
- Step 2: Click on the Administration button at the top, and select Channels - Chat Widget. Copy Direct Chat Link as shown in the image.
- Step 3: Paste your Direct Chat link at Admin Panel - General Settings - Global Settings at Live Chat section, make sure turn on this feature there and click save afterwards.
- Step 4: Done.
Google Analytics 4 Configuration
GA4 Setup Instructions:
- Step 1: Login into your Google Cloud Console account.
- Step 2: Select your project that you want to use.
- Step 3: Search for google analytics data api and select it among the search results as shown below.
- Step 4: After selecting it make sure to Enable it.
- Step 5: Next select Credentials from side menu.
- Step 6: While you are on the Credentials page, select Manage Service Accounts.
- Step 7: Next click on Create Service Account.
- Step 8: Provide require information as you prefer and click Done.
- Step 9: Next select your newly created service account and under Actions column, select Manage Keys.
- Step 10: Next select Create New Key.
- Step 11: Select key type to be JSON and save the file somewhere, you will need it soon.
- Step 12: Now let's setup your Google Analytics account. Loging to your Google Analytics account (by default it is not GA4 only) and select your target account and click on Admin button at the bottom
- Step 13: Next select Account Access Management.
- Step 14: Next click on the Add Users button.
- Step 15: Enter the email same as the client_email from the json file that you generated at step 11.
- Step 16: Next select Property Settings.
- Step 17: Save the Property ID value.
- Step 18: Now login to your domain as admin and go to Admin Panel - General Settings - Global Settings and enter your Google Analytics Property ID and Google Service Account Credentials JSON File Name and click save.
- Step 19: Last important step would be to upload your json file to you hosting and store it under storage/app/analytics/>
- Step 20: Done.
Google Analytics Configuration
Analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your main frontend page.
Setup Google Analytics:
- Step 1: Visit Google Analytics page.
- Step 2: On the left menu select Admin.
- Step 3: Click Create Property, **select Web and then Continue.**.
- Step 4: After that it will appear screen with information for your website.
- Step 5: Fill it and then click Create.
- Step 6: Include Tracking ID into Google Analytics Tracking ID field in Admin Panel under General Settings -> Global Settings -> Google Analytics, and don't forget to enable the Google Analytics checkbox and click Save button.
Google Maps Configuration
To use the Maps JavaScript you must have an API key. The API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate requests associated with your project for usage and billing purposes.
To Get a Maps API Key:
- Step 1: Go to the Google API Console
- Step 2: Click the project drop-down and select or create project for which you want to add an API key and give it a project name.
- Step 3: If you are using Google API for the first time you will see this screen after creating the project:
- Step 4: Click Enable Apis and Services button or select Library button on the left.
- Step 5: Find Maps JavaScript API and enable it as shown below.
- Step 6: Click the menu button and select Credentials and click Create credentials > API key.
- Step 7: The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. Copy and paste it as shown in Step 8. The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.
Important: Remember to restrict the API key before using it in production. - Step 8: Include the API key in Admin Panel under General Settings -> Global Settings -> Google Maps, and don't forget to enable the Google Maps checkbox and click Save button.
Change application restrictions:
Depending on your server/domain configuration the script maybe won't accept the HTTP referrers restrictions so try with changing the application restrictions back to None

Enable Billing on your project:
Sometimes after adding the key these features maybe won't work again. Then depending on the google account associated with the project created and maybe you will need to enable Billing.
Learn more here about it: Billing or here Getting started with Google Maps Platform
Google reCaptcha v3 Configuration
To avoid spams, all contact and registration forms have Google reCaptcha v3 enabled. It is optional feature, but strongly recommended.
To use this feature, you will need to have reCaptcha Site Key and reCaptcha Secret Key.
To Get a Google reCaptcha v3 Keys:
- Step 1: Go to the Google reCaptcha Console
- Step 2: Enter Label to identify your reCaptcha keys.
- Step 3: For reCaptcha Type, select "reCAPTCHA v3":
- Step 4: Enter your domain name.
- Step 5: Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service
- Step 6: Click the "Submit" button.
- Step 7: Copy both "Site Key" and "Secret Key".
- Step 8: Include the API keys in Admin Panel under General Settings -> Global Settings -> Google reCaptcha, and don't forget to enable the Google reCaptcha checkbox and click Save button.
How to Customize Frontend
Frontend is created as a landing page and consist of single home.blade.php blade file that was created with standard HTML5 + CSS3 Bootstrap structure. SaSS files for frontend are separated from backend Sass files so it is easy to edit.
Warning: If you are planning to add heavy css customization, it would be better to create a separate css file and keep intact upon each update, otherwise next update might rewrite all previously made changes in case if we add any improvements to frontend.
How to customize frontend:
- Step 1: All files that are used as frontend pages or for frontend can be found under resources/views and couple files under resources/views/layouts directories as shown in the picture.
- Step 2: For frontend styling we used SaSS, they can be found under resources/sass/frontend directory. If you plan to use sass files for customization don't forget to compile your sass files first to apply the effects. Otherwise, you can add custom css files into guest.blade.php below line 23.
- Step 3: All pages are stored direcly under resources/views directory and named accordingly. You can edit the text in any of these files as you prefer.
- Step 4: If you want to add new page, make sure it has the same @extends and @section parts as in other pages.
- Step 5: NOTE: Codecanyon support plan does not include any customization support, any modification or customization will be up to you.
Language Manager
Starting from v5.7 update a new Language Manager feature was introduced, the old way of setting up language via app.php and locale.php files are no longer valid.
Warning! Note that your previous language settings are not valid anymore and they must be reset with the new Language Manager, update strictly at your own discretion as going forward only Language Manager will be a valid option to configure your languages for the interface.
Follow these intructions on how to add and configure your languages.
How to Language Manager Works:
- Step 1: Go to Admin Panel - General Settings - Languages page to access the Language Manager feature.
- Step 2: TO ADD LANGUAGE: Select your language as needed from the Add New Language section and click on Add button.
- Step 2.1: All added languages will be listed in the Installed Language section.
- Step 2.2: Use checkboxes to enable or disable installed languages, it will save your checkbox changes automatically.
- Step 3: TO SET DEFAULT LANGUAGE: Select your target language as needed from the Default Language section and click on Set button. Note that it will show only the languages which were enabled in the Installed Languages section, refresh your page if you don't see newly added or enabled languages in the dropdown list.
- Step 4: GENERATE ALL JSON FILES: You can genereate JSON files for all languages listed in the Installed Languages section with just one click regardless if some of the languages are enabled there or not via Publish All JSON Files button.
- Step 5: SYNCHRONIZE YOUR LANGUAGE JSON AND MAIN (ENGLISH) JSON FILES: This is one of the important features of the Language Manager. It can do 2 things:
- Step 5.1: 1) as it is not efficient to translate every line individually, most people will simply translate genereated JSON files via various online tools that are avaialble out there. So if you have your language JSON file, simply include it in the lang folder in the root directory of your domain, make sure that your language is listed in the Installed Languages list and activated, afterwards click on Reinstall Language Files button.
- Step 5.2: 2) as the script is rapidly growing, the main lang/en.json file is regularly updated with almost every update, so make sure to click on Reinstall Language Files button if you see in the changelogs that new words were added statement, it will automaically add new strings into all exisitng json files in the lang folder without overwriting existing contents, and the end of the list you will see new strings added for you that you can simply translate manually (as explained in step 6) and save as the added list per update is usually small.
- Step 6: TRANSLATE INDIVIDUAL STRINGS: You can also generate individual language json file and/or translate directly strings by clicking on the target language menu button under Installed Language section, and select either Edit Strings to translate strings individually or Generate JSON file which will generate a JSON file only for this language, which you can use to translate on variou online json translator platforms like this paid json translator.
CRON Job Configuration
The software requires cron jobs to be set up in order to automate some of its functions, such as checking the status of the accounts, as well as additional storage clean-ups.
How to create CRON job:
- Step 1: Open terminal in your hosting platform or if you are using cPanel, copy and paste the Step 3 in your Cron Jobs tab.
- Step 2: Run crontab -e command
crontab -e
0 0,12 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/YOURDOMAINPATH/artisan schedule:run
crontab -l

RestAPI Configuration
How to setup RestAPI:
- Step 1: Open terminal in your hosting platform.
- Step 2: You will need to install Laravel Passport feature and generate the encryption keys. Run the following command in your terminal
php artisan passport:install
php artisan migrate
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
Troubleshooting in case if you face any of these issues
Whitescreen - I changed some of the settings in admin panel and now I only see whitescreen (all versions):
- Step 1: Some of the changes in the configuration in Admin Panel are saved in .env file, this for the most part does not treat spaces in values, if value must have a space, it is wrapped with quotes, like site name for example.
- Step 2: Go to the .env file in the root directory, check all values of the configuration keys that you changed to make sure that there are not whitespaces there.
- Step 3: After finding them, delete that value part or make as is single keyword, and save.
- Step 4: Done.
User does not see Payment Gateways during checkout, but I have it activated it in the Finance Settings (all versions):
- Step 1: Most likely settings cache was cleared (after update, or pressed clear cache in the admin panel).
- Step 2: Go to your Finance Settings page and just click save.
- Step 4: Done.
Version v5.9
Released on 4th August, 2024
New: Advanced Finance Analytics Dashboard (Extension)
New: Advanced SaaS Finance and Status Reporting via Email (Extension)
New: Dynamic cost and profit margin calculator for Subscription Plans (Extension)
New: Dynamic cost and profit margin calculator for Prepaid Plans (Extension)
New: SD 3 Large, SD 3 Medium, SD 3 Large Turbo models added
New: AI Photo Studio Same Style Image feature added
Update: Added GPT 4o mini to Set Defaults page
Update: Update AI vendor costs via AI settings page
Update: View Credits modal updated with latest models
Update: Removed deprecated SD sd-xl-1024-v0-9 and sd-xl-beta-v2-2-2 models
Update: Added GPT4o mini to Fine Tuning feature
Update: Added GPT4o mini to Chat Assistant feature
Files that were edited for v5.9 update:
Version v5.8
Released on 28th July, 2024
New: AI Youtube feature
New: AI RSS feature
New: GPT 4o mini model added
New: AI Photo Studio credit control system added
Update: AI Settings page updated
Update: Subscription plans updated with new features
Update: Prepaid plans updated with new feature
Fix: Email template fix for word count field on manual credit adding
Fix: Missing translation words added
Fix: Home pages access issues for some customers fixed
Fix: Language strings saving issue fixed
Files that were edited for v5.8 update:
Version v5.7
Released on 19th July, 2024
New: Language Manager via admin panel
New: RTL feature
Update: Brand voice editing updated
Update: Chat assistant logo remains during update
Fix: AI Speech to Text mp4 and other format processing issue fixed
Files that were edited for v5.7 update:
Version v5.6
Released on 1st July, 2024
New: Stable Diffusion Ultra added
New: Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet added
Update: Custom Chat Assistant custom category alignment improved
Update: Custom Chat Assistant view in the groups improved
Files that were edited for v5.6 update:
Version v5.5
Released on 29th June, 2024
New: AI Photo Studio (Extension)
Update: User dashboard page updated
Update: Subscription plans updated
Fix: API user registration issue fixed
Fix: API admin manually user creation issue fixed
Files that were edited for v5.5 update:
Version v5.4
Released on 22nd June, 2024
New: User Panel: New User Dashboard Page
New: Admin Panel: Advanced Admin Dashboard page
New: Google Analytics Dashboards added
Update: Admin cannot see custom templates created by users now
Update: Security improvements
Fix: Document editing saving issue fixed
Fix: Favorite chats visibility issue on the dashboard fixed
Fix: RestAPI namespace fix for Authenticate Routes
Files that were edited for v5.4 update:
Version v5.3
Released on 7th June, 2024
New: RestAPI added
Update: User profile page credits view updated
Update: AI Chat credit view improved
Update: Chat/Template credit dynamically changed based on selected models
Update: Frontend pricing plan tables updated
Update: Default application model (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is removed
Fix: Fine Tune creation issue fixed
Fix: Bank Transfer approval issue fixed
Fix: SD 3 Turbo minor issue fixed
Fix: User Custom Chat Assistant files view page issue fixed
Fix: Custom Chat setting as favorite issue fixed
Fix: Custom Chat category visibility improved
Files that were edited for v5.3 update:
Version v5.2
Released on 17th May, 2024
New: Push to Wordpress integration feature added (Extension)
New: GPT 4o added
New: Personal API feature for Anthropic Claude 3 option added
New: Personal API feature for Google Gemini Pro option added
Update: Subscriptions plan updated with new features
Update: Finance controller updated
Fix: Gemini chatbot streaming response issue fixed
Fix: Dark mode styles improved
Fix: Paddle subscription payment recording issue fixed
Files that were edited for v5.2 update:
Version v5.1
Released on 5th May, 2024
New: Openai Custom Chatbot Assistant v2 with native vector search capabilities added
New: Adding files for custom chatbot assistant v2 at run time option added
Update: Admin user view details page updated
Update: Text streaming for Chatbot Assistant updated
Update: User default model setting updated with Gemini Pro model
Fix: Add missing words to the translation
Files that were edited for v5.1 update:
Version v5.0
Released on 2nd May, 2024
New: Google Gemini Pro added
New: Stable Diffusion 3.0 (SD3) / Stable Diffusion 3.0 Turbo (SD3 Turbo) / Stable Image Core (Core) models added
Update: Ai Video updated to SD v1.1 version
Update: Subscription plan options updated
Fix: Team member adding issue fixed
Fix: AI Rewrite credit calculation issue fixed
Fix: AI Vision processing issue fixed
Fix: Custom template processing issue fixed
Files that were edited for v5.0 update:
Version v4.9
Released on 25th April, 2024
New: Claude 3 added (Anthropic)
New: Create & Train Chatbots by Admin via native OpenAI Assistant feature added
New: Custom Models for Chat Bots feature added
New: Custom Models for Chat Bots feature added
New: Direct subscription upgrade feature added
New: AI Image prompts feature added
New: Setting individual fixed model per template option added
New: Setting individual fixed model per chatbot option added
New: Added support for new gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 model
New: Brand Voices for AI Chat feature added
New: Advanced credit calculation system based on models added
New: Bulk credits renewal feature for subscribers feature added
Update: Subscription during registration process mechanism improved
Update: Subscription cancellation mechanism improved
Update: Backend Subscriptions page improved
Update: Email notification for manually created users added
Update: Email notification for manually adding credits added
Update: Email notification for uploaded payment confirmation option added
Update: Frontend AI Tools Section adding option updated
Update: User can change AI models dynamically during text generation tasks
Update: User email opt in/out option added
Update: Newsletter unsubscribe option added in emails
Update: Filters for sending mass email newsletter are improved
Update: Prepaid plans can set credits for different models
Update: Prepaid plans details view page updated
Update: AI Chat layout improvements
Update: AI Vision enhancements
Update: AI File Chat enhancements
Fix: Free tier second time activation issue fixed after registration
Fix: Missing translation words are added in en.json language file
Fix: File and Document deletion period not saving issues fixed
Fix: Fixed visibility of other custom templates on the top menu bar
Fix: Clouflare R2 view results issue fixed
Files that were edited for v4.9 update:
Version v4.8
Released on 8th April, 2024
New: Subscribe upon first registration feature added
New: Newsletter feature added
New: ReTrain/Improve existing Voice Clone feature added
New: Email Templates features added
New: Admin notifications for payment transactions feature added
New: Bank Transfer payment confirmation upload option added
New: Stable Diffusion XL 2.2.2 Beta added
Update: Performance and loadtime improvements
Update: User Custom Chat Assistants personal API key usage improved
Update: User Custom Templates personal API key usage improved
Update: Voice clone deletion option added
Update: Updated and improved email verification system
Update: User notifications for payment transactions feature added
Update: Payment Checkout page updated
Update: Subscription plans page updated
Update: Support ticket email notification system improved
Fix: Bank transfer dalle/sd image approval issue fixed
Fix: Team member creation issue fixed
Fix: Prepaid plan dalle/sd image credit adding issue fixed
Fix: Mobile top menu issue on Android devices fixed
Files that were edited for v4.8 update:
Version v4.7
Released on 26th March, 2024
New: Cloudflare R2 cloud storage feature added
New: Internet access to Templates feature added
Update: AI Video is set to use only SD image credits
Update: Prepaid plans support for separate Dalle and SD images added
Update: Ai Wizard and Chat Image updated to support proper credits based on Dalle and SD engine usage
Update: Support for gpt-4-0125-preview model was added
Fix: Smart editor dark mode css issue fixed
Fix: Custom AI Assistant - category list corrected to show Chat Categories
Fix: Invoice total due value fixed
Fix: License deactivation issue fixed
Fix: Elevenlabs large text synthesize timing out issue fixed
Fix: Custom Template creation for Users/Subscribers issue fixed
Fix: Custom Chats setting as favorite issue fixed
Files that were edited for v4.7 update:
Version v4.6
Released on 17th March, 2024
New: AWS Amazon Polly Text to Speech feature added
New: Include any TTS vendor combination per subscription plan
New: Brand Voice feature added
Update: Image/Video/Voiceover result storage duration limits can be defined in the subscription plan
Update: Document results (generated content) storage duration limits can be defined in the subscription plan
Update: Subscription plans updated to support new features
Update: Free tier AI Voiceover vendors access is controller via admin panel now
Update: Set separate image credits for Dalle and SD images via subscription plan and for free tier users option added
Fix: AI Chat listen support for personal API keys improved
Fix: AI Vision support for personal API keys improved
Fix: Plagiarism API key saving issue fixed
Fix: Showing disabled prompts issue fixed
Files that were edited for v4.6 update:
Version v4.5.1
Released on 8th March, 2024
Fix: AI Vision upload button hidden when Chat Image disabled issue fixed
Fix: Team member feature visibility issue fix
Fix: Custom templates enabling/disabling issue fix
Fix: Custom chat issue fix
Fix: Login/Registration dark mode css issues fix
Files that were edited for v4.5.1 update:
Version v4.5
Released on 7th March, 2024
New: User personal custom AI Chat Bot creation feature added (Openai Assistant)
New: User personal custom Template creation feature added
New: User personal AI Chat bot training file support (c, cpp, docx, html, java, md, php, pptx, py, rb, tex, css, js, gif, tar, ts, xlsx, xml, zip, pdf, csv, txt, json) option added
Update: Sound Studio adding default background audio tracks by admin updated
Update: Set Dark Mode as default option added (at General Settings page)
Update: User dark mode state retained as persistent
Update: AI Image to Video table refresh option added
Update: Clone Voice limits are controllable per plan now
Update: New features are added to the subscription plan
Update: Security improvements
Update: Copy & Paste buttons added to AI Assistant feature
Fix: Free tier access to AI Plagiarism and Detector features fixed
Fix: Missing translation words were improved
Files that were edited for v4.5 update:
Version v4.4
Released on 24th February, 2024
New: AI Plagiarism Checker added (Extension)
New: AI Content Detector added (Extension)
Update: Subscription plan updated to include new features
Fix: Voice clone visibility for other users fixed
Fix: Serper API key saving issue fixed
Files that were edited for v4.4 update:
Version v4.2
Released on 18th February, 2024
New: Voice Cloning feature added (Extension)
New: Sound Studio feature added (Extension)
New: AI Image to Video feature added (Extension)
New: AI File Chat feature added
New: MS Word files support for AI File Chat feature added
Update: Smart Editor Mobile responsiveness improved
Update: AI Chat PDF/CSV merged into AI File Chat feature
Update: AI Chat PDF/CSV/Web page refresh issue improved
Update: Davinci Settings page updated
Update: Extended License features section added in Davinci Settings
Update: License page updated
Update: Smart Editor missing translation words added
Update: Security improvements
Fix: AI Assistant language response issue fixed on all AI features
Files that were edited for v4.2 update:
Version v4.1
Released on 7th February, 2024
Update: Smart Editor Mobile responsiveness improved
Update: Smart Editor Search field added for templates dropdown menu
Fix: Custom Template view issue fixed
Fix: Export in MS Word issue fixed
Fix: Smart Editor Template details view issue fixed
Fix: Storj Cloud for Voiceover & STT results fixed (new installations only)
Fix: Dropbox for Voiceover & STT results fixed (new installations only)
Files that were edited for v4.1 update:
Version v4.0
Released on 5th February, 2024
New: Smart Editor feature added
New: AI ReWriter feature added
New: AI Assistant for Original Templates added
New: AI Assistant for Custom Templates added
Update: Subscription plans updated to included Start Editor & AI ReWriter
Update: Orignal Templates view updated
Update: Custom Templates view updated
Fix: Custom Template view issue fix
Fix: AI Chat Web css issue fix
Files that were edited for v4.0 update:
Version v3.9
Released on 29th January, 2024
New: Fine Tune Models feature added
New: Google Cloud Storage buckets feature added
New: Storj Cloud storage feature added
New: Dropbox storage feature added
Update: Social login session handling improved
Update: Social login password randomized
Update: OpenAI model is set based on user chat model settings for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
Update: Embedding version can be selected for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
Update: Personal API key support added for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
Update: Balance check improved for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
Files that were edited for v3.9 update:
Version v3.8
Released on 26th January, 2024
New: AI Chat PDF feature added
New: AI Chat CSV feature added
New: AI Web Chat feature added
Update: Custom Templates support for Select Dropdown fields added
Update: Custom Templates support for Checkbox fields added
Update: Custom Templates support for Radio Button fields added
Update: Custom Templates required field option added
Update: Subscription plan is updated to include new features
Update: Subscription plan file size limits are added for Chat PDF & CSV service
Update: Removed DB backup feature (new installations only)
Fix: AWS region names mismatch minor issue fixed
Fix: Referral admin panel enable/disable issue fixed
Fix: Counting character credits for AI Chat TTS feature improved
Fix: Counting image credits for Chat Image improved
Fix: AI Chat minor issue with enter button fixed
Files that were edited for v3.8 update:
Version v3.7
Released on 15th January, 2024
New: Internet access to AI Chat option added
New: Chat Image Feature added
New: Listen to AI Chat response feature added
New: Create your custom referral code feature added
Update: Affiliate Program page updated
Update: Referred number of users are visible now
Update: Stripe webhook updated
Update: Subscription plan updated to include new features
Update: Removed deprecated OpenAI models
Fix: CSS styles for document results fixed
Fix: Renaming newly created chat conversation issue fixed
Fix: AI Images minor SD v1.6 bug issue fixed
Files that were edited for v3.7 update:
Version v3.6
Released on 1st January, 2024
New: ElevenLabs Text to Speech Feature added
Update: AI Vision availability for all users groups updated
Update: AI Article Wizard availability for all users groups updated
Update: Yookassa monthly/yearly subscription plan renewal updated
Update: Yookassa cancellation refund option removed
Fix: Displaying first generated AI Image without refresh is fixed
Fix: Reassigning a same plan via admin issue fixed
Fix: Setting default language for new registrations in davinci settings page fixed
Files that were edited for v3.6 update:
Version v3.5
Released on 24th December, 2023
New: AI Vision feature added
Update: AI Chats support for image processing feature added
Update: AI Chats generated tables view updated
Update: AI Chats mobile view updated
Update: AI Vision option added to subscription plans
Fix: AI Wizard image counting and balance protection fixed
Files that were edited for v3.5 update:
Version v3.4
Released on 18th December, 2023
New: Multistep AI Article Wizard added
Update: Requirement for symlink removed (new installations only)
Update: Referral supported for social media logins and registrations
Update: Registered via emails initially can now login with their social media accounts as well
Update: Removed support for deprecated SD models: stable-diffusion-v1-5, stable-diffusion-512-v2-1, stable-diffusion-768-v2-1
Update: Added support for new SD model: stable-diffusion-v1-6
Fix: Database password # symbol support fixed (new installations only)
Fix: Login page accessibility for logged user fixed
Fix: Registration page accessibility for logged user fixed
Fix: AI Images SD Negative prompt feature issue fixed
Fix: AI Images negative balance for Unlimited sign issue fixed
Files that were edited for v3.4 update:
Version v3.3
Released on 22th November, 2023
New: Stable Diffusion - Image to Image feature added
New: Stable Diffusion - Image Upscaling feature added
New: Stable Diffusion - Image Inpainting feature added
New: Stable Diffusion - Multi Prompting feature added
New: Stable Diffusion - Image Strength option in settings added for Image to Image feature
New: OpenAI - Image Inpainting feature added (Dalle 2 Only)
New: OpenAI - Image Variations feature added (Dalle 2 Only)
Update: Free plan pricing has changed from $0 value to Free sign
Fix: Voiceover properly handle unlimited characters fixed
Fix: Stable Diffusion - Generation Steps limits are improved
Fix: Frontend - Unlimited credit names are properly displayed
Files that were edited for v3.3 update:
Version v3.2
Released on 14th November, 2023
New: OpenAI Text to Speech feature added
New: GCP 101 (65 Neural2; 6 Studio; 30 WaveNet) New Voices added
Update: Both Dalle and Stable Diffusion engines can be set in the subscription plans
Update: AI Image view modal details updated
Files that were edited for v3.2 update:
Version v3.1
Released on 9th November, 2023
New: GPT 4 Turbo model added for Templates and Chats
New: GPT 4 Turbo with Vision model added for Templates and Chats
New: Dalle-3 and Dalle-3 HD models added for AI Images
Update: AI Image Engine selection to Subscription Plans added
Update: Removed deprecated model - Ada, Babbage, Curie
Update: Davinci Settings page updated
Fix: Finance Management - Transactions page table issue fix
Files that were edited for v3.1 update:
Version v3.0
Released on 5th November, 2023
New: Add subscription plan manually by admin added
New: Show hidden plans for select users feature added
New: Free subscription plan limited to few days feature added for subscription plans
Update: Update user general and prepaid balances (increase/decrease)
Update: User list - personal user information view page updated
Update: Total active subscribers are visible for each subscription plan
Update: Users can apply to free trial subscription plan only once
Update: Free trial subscription process improved, no need to select payment gateways anymore upon checkout
Fix: Pricing table feature repetition fix
Files that were edited for v3.0 update:
Version v2.9
Released on 2nd November, 2023
New: AI Chat template groups added
New: AI Chat prompts feature added
Update: AI Chat (shift + enter) replaced for new line
Update: AI Chat mobile responsiveness improved
Update: AI Chat table display improved
Update: AI Chat response copy button added
Update: AI Chat info banners updated
Update: AI Chat generated url links are clickable now
Update: AI Chat code view updated
Update: Contact us reCaptcha v3 feature updated
Update: Private API key enforcement added when enabled
Update: Unlimited words support for free tier user added
Fix: Subscription plans unlimited validation fixed
Fix: Contact us disabling via admin panel fixed
Fix: Voiceover issue fix
Fix: Documents - Workbooks change issue fixed
Fix: Youtube social settings missing fixed
Fix: AI Chat new conversation fix
Fix: AI Chat cyrillic words display fix
Fix: AI Image creation date fix
Files that were edited for v2.9 update:
Version v2.8
Released on 16th October, 2023
New: Iyzico payment gateway added for prepaid/lifetime plans
New: Unlimited words/images/characters/minutes option added
New: Use your own personal Openai API key feature added
New: Use your own Stable Diffusion API key feature added
New: About Us page added
New: Contact Us page added
New: Frontend - update How it Works section via admin panel
New: Frontend - update AI Tools section via admin panel
New: Frontend - update Features section via admin panel
New: Macedonian language added to templates
New: AI Chat conversation search option added
New: AI Chat assistant info line added
New: AI Chat code format highlighter
New: AI Chat stop button added
New: Macedonian language added to templates
Update: All missing translation words added
Update: All disabled AI features are disabled everywhere
Update: Language change option added at frontend top
Update: Language change option added at login/registration pages
Update: Personal API features added to the subscription plans
Update: Stripe complete redesign with official PHP SDK
Update: Table sorting for dates updated
Update: Home page blog posts listed based on created date
Update: Twitter logos updates, youtube social media link added
Update: Update page view updated
Update: AI Chat input field changed to textarea to support larger text inputs
Fix: CSS issue in the AI Images fixed
Fix: Stripe for India issue fixed
Fix: Cron task credit renewal issue fixed
Fix: Download button in the transcribe result page issue fixed
Files that were edited for v2.8 update:
Version v2.7
Released on 04th September, 2023
New: AI Image creation page redesigned
New: Document view images page redesigned
New: Negative prompt added for Stable Diffusion
New: CFG Scale (prompt strength) added for Stable Diffusion
New: Diffusion Steps added for Stable Diffusion
New: Independent models for AI Chat at subscription plan creation added
Update: All spelling errors fixed
Update: Count Chinese and Japanese words improved
Update: Performance of all select dropdowns improved
Fix: Promocode for lifetime checkout page missing fixed
Fix: Twitter login improved
Files that were edited for v2.7 update:
Version v2.6
Released on 22nd August, 2023
New: Frontend layout designed
New: AI Image SDXL v1.0 support added
New: Set default template language via user profile page added
Fix: Support pages view improved
Fix: Paddle webhook improved
Fix: Yookassa issue fixed
Files that were edited for v2.6 update:
Version v2.5
Released on 23th July, 2023
New: Paddle payment gateway added
New: Yookassa payment gateway added
Update: Team members feature updated
Update: Templates max word length accuracy updated
Update: Paypal webhook updated
Fix: Ai Voiceover css mobile alignments improved
Fix: User dashboard favorite templates & chats views fixed
Files that were edited for v2.5 update:
Version v2.4
Released on 16th July, 2023
New: Team Member feature added
New: Flutter payment gateway added
New: Midtrans payment added
Fix: Template user notifications fix
Fix: Youtube tag generator template fixed
Fix: Instagram hashtag generator template fixed
Fix: Meta description generator template fixed
Fix: Dashboard setting templates as favority issue fixed
Fix: Affiliate feature not visible in the side menu when disabled improved
Fix: Voiceover delete synthesize result fix
Files that were edited for v2.4 update:
Version v2.3
Released on 4th July, 2023
New: Template text streaming feature added
New: OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo 16K model added
New: Stable diffusion SDXL v0.9 engine added
New: 30 New Templates added
New: New tag added for original and custom templates
New: 15 New Languages: Tamil (Malaysia), Persian (Iran), English (UK), Slovak, Latvian, Albanian, Filipino, Khmer (Cambodia), Bangla, Bengali (India), Welsh, Catalan, Serbian, Maltese, Irish added
Update: Side menu panel updated
Update: User credits view updated
Update: AI Voiceover characters view feature updated
Fix: Ai Voiceover result view audio play bar fixed
Fix: Saving stable diffusion main api key issue fixed
Fix: Dark mode payment tables css issue fixed
Files that were edited for v2.3 update:
Version v2.2
Released on 4th June, 2023
New: Multi API keys for Openai added
New: Multi API keys for Stable Diffusion added
New: Live Chat ( feature added
New: Sensitive words filtering feature added
New: AI Chat search feature added
Update: Languages list scrolling updated
Files that were edited for v2.2 update:
Version v2.1
Released on 2nd June, 2023
New: Dark mode added
New: Template search feature added
New: Custom category description added
Update: Templates page updated
Fix: Ai Chat first response text missing fixed
Files that were edited for v2.1 update:
Version v2.0
Released on 28th May, 2023
New: Stable Diffusion for AI Images added
New: AI Image Lightning style added
New: AI Image Artist selection added
New: Export user email list as csv/excel/pdf added
Update: User dashboard updated
Update: Favorite AI Chats added to dashboard
Update: Promocodes updated, now supports 100% discounts
Fix: Custom chat avatar issues fixed
Fix: CRON task daily value fixed
Fix: User profile subscription status text issue fixed
Files that were edited for v2.0 update:
Version v1.8
Released on 17th May, 2023
New: 42 AI Chat Bots added
New: Unlimited Custom AI Chat Bots creation feature added
New: Premium/Standard/Free tier categories for templates and chats added
Update: Ai Code feature updated
Update: Ai Speech to Text feature updated
Update: CRON task for yearly/lifetime credit processing updated
Update: Add default credits to manually created users updated
Update: Enable/Disabling various subscription plan features updated
Fix: Referral system BankTransfer payment fixed
Fix: Referral system payout buttons fixed
Fix: AI Speech to Text AWS and Wasabi storage issue fixed
Files that were edited for v1.8 update:
Version v1.5
Released on 17th April, 2023
New: AI Chat system added
New: AI Speech to Text with OpenAI Whisper added
New: AI Voiceover powered by Azure and GCP added
New: Ability to merge up to 20 AI voices for synthesize task option added
New: Generate up to 100K synthesize task option added
New: Voices customization option added
Update: All documents section updated
Update: Subscriptions plan creation updated
Fix: Razorpay webhook issue fixed
Fix: Paypal prepaid issue fixed
Fix: Bank Transfer referral - payment cancellation issue fixed
Files that were edited for v1.5 update:
Version v1.4
Released on 26th March, 2023
New: GPT 4 (8K/32K) model added
New: Support for Thai, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian added
New: Amason S3 storage for AI Images added
New: Wasabi Cloud storage for AI Images added
New: AI Code feature added
New: Art Styles feature for AI Images added
New: Art Medium feature for AI Images added
New: Art Mood feature for AI Images added
New: Custom category creation feature added
New: Custom template editor feature added
Update: Language file en.json with missing words updated
Update: Login/Registration page copyright info removed
Update: Ability to removing .00 in pricing added
Update: Stripe webhook controller updated
Update: Paypal webhook controller updated
Update: Coinbase webhook controller updated
Update: Paystack webhook controller updated
Update: Razorpay webhook controller updated
Fix: Razorpay prepaid plan payment issue fixed
Fix: Google 2FA issue fixed
Fix: Referral payment system tracks payment commissions correctly now
Fix: Copy referral link button fixed
Fix: Recover password page responsiveness fixed
Fix: User profile shows correct subscription between monthly or yearly now
Files that were edited for v1.4 update:
Version v1.3
Released on 09th March, 2023
New: Unlimited custom templates creation feature added
New: ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo model added
New: Academic Essay template added
New: Welcome Email template added
New: Youtube Tags Generator template added/p>
New: Cold Email template added
New: Follow up Email template added
New: Creative Stories template added
New: Grammar Checker template added
New: Summarize for 2nd Grader template added
New: Video Scripts template added
New: Amazon Product Description template added
New: Templates filter feature added
New: Export in Text format added
Update: Result and Template view pages updated
Update: Auto save feature for text results removed
Update: AI Image results table updated
Update: All Documents table updated
Fix: User default workbook creation issue fixed
Fix: Workbooks page responsiveness improved
Fix: Login page default credentials removed
Fix: Login page responsiveness improved
Fix: Support email link fixed
Fix: Referral email register link in the email fixed
Version v1.2
Released on 21st February, 2023
New: Support for Portuguese(Brazil), Slovenian, Vietnamese, Swahili, Romanian added
New: Problem-Agitate-Solution template added
New: Video Descriptions template added
New: Video Titles template added
New: Youtube Tags Generator template added/p>
New: Instagram Captions template added
New: Instagram Hashtags Generator template added
New: Social Media Post (Personal) template added
New: Social Media Post (Business) template added
New: Facebook Headlines template added
New: Google Ads Headlines template added
New: Google Ads Description template added
Update: Templates styling updated
Update: Credit view within template and image generation added
Update: Translation file has been updated with missing words
Fix: Stripe 3D payment issue fixed
Fix: Bank Transfer payment issue fixed
Fix: Profile view monthly/yearly mix fixed
Fix: Missing icons on some hostings fixed
Fix: Blogs view excerpt updated, hide html tags fixed
Initial Release v1.0
Released on 13th February, 2023